
Transformational Thinking

Transformational Thinking

Transformation begins with new information.

New information can remove change blockers.

A blocker is a hidden belief.

How do we find what is hidden?

The answer lies in how it is being hidden.


Think back to a time when you bought something you wanted or needed.

Like a watch.

If the purpose of that watch was to stay on schedule, it was probably used every day.

An expensive brand-name watch might only be worn on special occasions.

In that case, making a fashion statement is of more value than the purpose of the watch – to tell time.

Neither is wrong.

Both provide information.

Where Your Heart Is

Matthew 6:21 - "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

How you treasure something reveals your true motivation or “where your heart is.”

While words create an outward impression, actions reflect the heart.

If we truly believe we are “not of this world,” we seek to know and treasure the things that are of the world we belong to.

If we don’t, our faith becomes like that expensive watch that only comes out on Sundays.

What we believe doesn’t actually accomplish its true purpose – transformation.

So, what is the new information we need?

What Seeds Need

Scripture tells us that this life is like a seed that falls to the ground and dies. The seed never looks like the plant that will grow from it.

1 Corinthians 15:37-38 - "The seed you sow is not the body (the plant) which it is going to become, but it is a bare seed, perhaps of wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body just as He planned, and to each kind of seed a body of its own [is given]."

Just like a caterpillar in its cocoon.

And here is the hope-filled truth.

The needs of the caterpillar and seed are already met because the end goal is a butterfly and the nectar-laden flower.

Our present existence – the now – is included in the word eternity.

This life is a part of the plan of transformation.

That means when you “seek first the Kingdom of God” that is to come, you also find provision for this life.

All these things are added.

Matthew 6:33 - "
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Seeing Is Believing

Transformational thinking requires getting the bigger picture.

It’s zooming out on your GPS to ensure you’re heading to the right destination.

It’s turning the page to double-check that you have all the ingredients for the recipe handy.

It’s having read the book, so you already know how the movie ends.

And that’s not all.

That simple step of “seeking and finding out” initiates the change process.

That’s what Scripture means by renewing your mind – Believing by seeing what is now possible.

Mark 9:23 - "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
Transformational Thinking - What is the knowledge that brings change? Transformation requires new information.

And that is the power that raises dead things to life – seeds and caterpillars alike.

Or, the caterpillar can believe the cocoon is its final resting place. The seed can remain buried.

Knowing what you were made for is great information.

Knowing Who you were made for – that changes everything.

Romans 12:2 - "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

The more you know.