From The Rising of the Sun
Does God only help those who help themselves? We need both eyes opened to find the freedom that is already ours in Christ.
Light in the Deepest Darkness
What is God’s purpose for the Darkness? Why does it even exist? The darkness dims the light so our human eyes can see God.
The Freedom of Surrender
Do you feel like knowing all the answers brings freedom? The answers will only lead you to the door to freedom – Surrender.
The Truth Spoken In Love
When the Law of Truth is bent or broken, it distorts reality. God’s truth reveals HIs love, which is our freedom.
Transformational Thinking
What is the knowledge that brings transformation? Transformation requires new information.
Divergence and The Gospel?
Divergence and The Gospel-Did God’s created design favor the survival of only the fittest? The answer will surprise you in a good way.